You have already successfully created your privateLINE account. Dedicated privateLINE Connect apps are still in development for Windows and Linux - you will need to use Wireguard and these simple instructions to create your connection to our enclave:
1. Install the Wireguard app for Windows.
2. Go to our privateLINE App and login with your account credentials.
3. Create a .conf file (as shown below) for your device and import it into the Wireguard app you just installed.
4. Install privateLINE Comms for Windows, the downloads are at Create another account in privateLINE Comms, then vateLINE Comms, then search for your friends (or send a privateLINE invite to them)
1. Follow Wireguard command line instructions for Linux at the link.
For example, for Ubuntu: $ sudo apt install wireguard
2. Go to Wireguard configuration section and follow the instructions to generate Wireguard config file for the Linux. Save the config file as wg0.conf file for your machine and copy it as root to /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf.
For example, for Ubuntu: $ sudo cp wg0.conf /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf
3. Start the Wireguard connection using this command (where your config file is named wg0):
$ sudo systemctl start wg-quick@wg0
4. You can stop your privateLINE Wireguard tunnel with this command:
$ sudo systemctl stop wg-quick@wg0
5. Install privateLINE Comms, the downloads are at Create an account and search for your friends (or send a privateLINE invite to them)
and login with your account. You will need to generate the Wireguard .conf file:
Once Logged in, Click on button “Manage Devices” as shown in the screenshot below
Now, Click on “Add Device”
Choose the “No, Generate Key” option as this is the easiest way to get connected!
Enter the “Device Name” and select “Platform”, Keep SPLIT Tunnel (this is normally what you want) and then click on “Connect”.
Key will be generated, You can generate a split tunnel first, just click on “Download Config” to download the .conf file. You can also generate a Full tunnel for this device by clicking on the switch by Peer until it says “Full Tunnel”.
For Windows, launch the Wireguard app (Win is the same as Mac).Click on “Add Tunnel” and then choose the tunnel .conf file you just downloaded.
Choose the tunnel you just created on the left and then Click “Activate”
When tunnel is active, you will see numbers appear in Data received, sent and Latest Handshake to show it is working.